Haymarket Center opens West Loop Pharmacy

Last month, Haymarket Center celebrated the official opening of West Loop Pharmacy with Senator Dick Durbin, Vice Mayor Walter Burnett Jr., DHS Regional Director Michael Carbonagi, and many more. West Loop Pharmacy provides Haymarket Center patients with free or low cost medication, as well as private one-to-one consultation with a pharmacist. It also has retail space open to the public that includes a job-training component for individuals in recovery.

“Too often, individuals in treatment for substance use and mental health disorders face barriers filling their prescriptions, or affording them,” Haymarket Center President and CEO Dr. Dan Lustig said before the ceremonial ribbon cutting on Monday, May 13th. “The new pharmacy will allow us to complete the continuity of care, offer critical medications at a discounted rate, and empower our patients to build a relationship with a pharmacist.”

In addition to increased access to discounted medications, patients will be given an opportunity to receive skills-based training at the pharmacy through Haymarket’s Supportive Employment program. Through handling a second register in the retail space of the pharmacy, patients will learn hands-on skills that will help prepare them to re-enter the workforce or launch a career. The retail space is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Check out this piece on the Ribbon Cutting for Haymarket Center’s West Loop Pharmacy by WGN.

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